Meet the team of elders who help lead Sanctuary Church
"The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching." 1 Timothy 5:17
Lead Pastor
Dr. Rod Collins
Rod is the founding bi-vocational pastor of Sanctuary Church. He is formerly the teaching pastor at the Packing House in Redlands and the founder of their Saturday Night Life services. He was also their founding youth pastor. He has been a medical missionary traveling to over forty nations. Rod was the chaplain at Oral Roberts University and director of international missions. He is married to Kirstin and they have three grown sons.

Lead Pastor of Sanctuary Hope City
Jim Willard
Jim and his wife Darlene have six adult children. He has been at Sanctuary since 2019 and is the lead pastor of Sanctuary Hope City, our outreach campus in San Bernardino, since 2016. Jim is also the chaplain at a private Christian school in Redlands. A former division one athlete, he also coaches football there. On Sundays you'll also find him helping to lead our elementary kids program.

Men's Pastor
Ron Williams
Ron and his wife Anita have been married for more than 60 years and have two children. Ron served as a lead pastor for 33 years and has a doctorate and double Masters Degree in Theology. He teaches apologetics and church history at Community Christian College as well as serving as our Men's Pastor.
Teaching Pastor
Matt Higgins
Matt is a seasoned pastor, teacher, and communicator who has had the opportunity to do many things in life-- from full time pastoral ministry to many years of bi-vocational ministry. He has served as a College Pastor and Youth Pastor and has developed and led several ministries at Sanctuary. Matt has been at Sanctuary since 2008 and currently serves on the Sunday morning teaching team and leads our discipleship ministry, Rooted. Matt holds a master's degree in Management and Leadership, and works professionally in management and consulting roles -- continually developing new leaders and systems. Matt's wife Jen serves on staff at Sanctuary. Matt and Jen have a daughter, who recently graduated with her degree in Christian Ministry and is interning at a local church.
Teaching Pastor
Garrett Castro
Garrett was born and raised in Redlands, CA. He met his wife, Kayla, when he was nine years old at Calvary Chapel Packinghouse and they have a beautiful daughter named Maylee. They have been a part of Sanctuary Church since 2012. He is a part of our Sunday morning teaching team and greatly enjoys teaching the Bible at Hope City Church as well as Sanctuary. He is also a manager at Pro-Line Racing and enjoys running and mountain biking.